Friday, 11 June 2010

Back through the archives

Before getting to the more recent stuff, some of Black Flag's old issues have been put online around the place, including on the collective's previous website.

At the website, papers from between 1976 and 1979 are being made available. Currently up as PDF downloads are:

IV 7 (March 1976)
IV 8 (May 1976)
IV 9 (July 1976)
IV 10 (September 1976)

And more are due to go up in the near future. Meanwhile on the old Black Flag website are more recent issues from between 1996 and 2000:

210 Drugs, Death and Kroptotkin (from around 1996)
211 Chomsky, Albania and the CNT/FAI/IWA
212 Race, organisation and class
213 End of work
214 Never forget, Never Forgive
215 Money has only one face, that of the boss
216 121, Chile, Indonesian anarchism
217 Welfare warfare
218 In the City, J18
219 Shooting to Kill! (from around 2000)

If you know of any other sources for our archive, or have some old hardcopies you can scan in, let us know!

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