Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Welcome to Black Flag magazine

This blog is being set up as a dedicated space for the magazines put out by the Black Flag collective, a group of anarchist-communists based primarily in London, England.

Published since 1970, Black Flag is one of Britain's longest-running anarchist magazines and publishes bi-annually, concentrating on providing a voice for thought-provoking theoretical, investigative and historical work.

As an independent collective, we welcome submissions of between 800-3,200 words from anyone of a left-libertarian perspective.


  1. Hi! I'm from Brazil and I got interested in the article "Syndicalism and Anarchism", by Kropotkin, which was published in Black Flag 210. How can I have it? Thanks! Cheers!

  2. Hmm for some reason it doesn't seem to have appeared on the links from the old site, so we're not sure where it's got to. Will have a look around and see if anyone's got that particular back issue.

  3. Ok, thank you very much!

  4. Hey, fellows, a friend found the magazine and scanned the article. We published it on, check it out:
